🎾 Why to Join
Whether you'd like to get back into playing competitively or just have some fun and meet new people, then the North Seaford Tennis Club is for you.
Playing tennis on a regular basis can help maintain or improve balance, mobility, agility, strength and fitness. It also helps burn calories.
We look forward to welcoming you!
✍️ Membership Renewals 2024 Update
If you still haven’t renewed your membership for 2024, you still have time. Contact Alan on 0420 873 062 to get your membership renewed and get your new key to access the courts.
Payment can be made via bank transfer prior or at the time of renewal.
The committee would like to thank you for your support and hope you continue your membership and enjoy your tennis here at North Seaford Tennis Club.
How to Join
Download our membership form here, fill it out and send it back to us at contact@northseafordtennis.com.au
We will then contact you to arrange a time to meet at the club and finalise your membership application.
🎫 2023 Membership Fees
1. 1 Parent & 1 Child $122 $58 $180
2. 1 Parent & 2 or more children $133 $87 $220
3. 2 Adults & no children $142 $58 $200
4. 2 Parents & 1 Child $138 $87 $225
5. 2 Parents & 2 or more children $149 $101 $250
6. SENIOR (Ordinary Member)
Single adult, 18 yrs and over $96 $29 $125
Full time student 18yrs & over $66 $29 $95
8. JUNIOR (Under 18yrs old) $66 $29 $95
Non Playing Adult $5 $- $5
Joining fee currently waived
Maintenance Levy: Family $40 or 4 hours working bee attendance per year.
Senior $20 or 2 hours working bee attendance per year.
Key Levy: For all new members $15 optional one-off payment.
(TV AFF FEE) A mandatory fee is paid per playing member of the Club, to Tennis Victoria for affiliation and includes personal accident insurance.